Why are TV and computer screens harmful to the eyes?

The eye is built to see in three dimensions. A flat monitor only offers two dimensions. Muscles exert only a minimal amount of exertion when the eyes are fixated on a monitor screen. We blink 15 times per minute under normal circumstances whereas in front of a monitor we only blink twice. What a difference! It is no wonder that our eyes get dry. Here is another interesting thought: the screen emits light thus it is a sort of light source. Is there any other animal in the world that is able to stare into the light six to eight hours per day? Furthermore, the electromagnetic field of the monitor screen attracts dust particles that in turn contaminate our cornea.

Children love watching TV: the continuous movement, the oscillation of light, vibrant colours, and friendly figures fixate their attention. Staring at the television screen can damage the eye muscles of a child and this fixation causes the brain to enter a passive state that might even lead to psychological disturbances.

The computer causes inner tension, which we already know can also lead to visual disturbances. Almost all of us have experienced the computer freezing while we were working on a very important document. Children are no different with their video games. Games are often exciting and challenging and are a major source of stress. These facts are scary, right?
