FitFive's motto: "A single generation of properly breathing people would be capable of regenerating the human race."
We can go without food for weeks, without water for days, but without air, we could only live for a few minutes. Mother Nature precisely formulates these functions in time, volume and quality. Unfortunately, humankind does not always follow these rules. The healthy system is so simple! Everything starts with breathing.
The civilised man is not breathing, but merely "pants" to keep just barely alive. In a relaxed, sitting position we take approximately 20 breaths per hour, half a litre at once. This is definitely not right.
To be healthy one needs 10 to 12 intermediate level inhalations per minute, with at least one FitFive Complete Lung Breathing per hour for minimum lung functioning. I have already taught countless people to breathe correctly and without exception, all of them have experienced positive changes in their health and in their general lives - just by relearning how to breathe correctly.
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