What's wrong with healthy lifestyle in our modern world?

FitFive Fit5 Marco

Dear Visitor


I’m FitFive Marco, the developer and leader of FitFive. Allow me to take a few minutes of your time to show you how the FitFive System can serve you.
Quick, simple and logical – that’s what this presentation is going to be.


People look for solutions – specific solutions that help them in reaching their goals:
good looks and inner harmony.


The FitFive Szstem is a theoretical and practical guide for you to:

  • be satisfied with your looks and strength,
  • be successful and balanced.


It took me 7 years to develop the FitFive System, that’s 20,000 working hours, and 20 experts collaborated with me. I researched the top 200 books of specialised literature in the field, I held courses for hundreds of men and women between the ages of 10-70. Based on my research and experience, I chose the theories and exercises that really ARE effective and simple.


! I'm fully aware of how much we are overwhelmed by information: ads, magazines, celebs with miraculous weight losses, TV commercials, billboards and so on. It’s coming out of our ears, really. Health and fitness is my profession but sometimes it’s difficult, even for me, to navigate through this overwhelming sea of information.

Chaos now over.
FitFive is simple and easy to understand. FitFive Fit5 OK


! I know how disappointing it can be when you finallly decide to start over again but don’t choose the right method and you fail - again.
This usually means disappointment in the concept of healthy living itself, too and often leads to further deterioration in your physical and emotional condition.

Disillusionment now gone.
FitFive is easy and effective. FitFive Fit5 OK


! I also know how hard it is to make ends meet these days – for many people health is the least important concern. They’ve got jobs, families and daily survival to take care of first.

We give you a lot for very little money.
FitFive is complete and inexpensive.
FitFive Fit5 OK


! I know it’s easier and faster to choose pills: even if you are aware of the possible side effects and that most pills do nothing but conceal the symptoms.

You too will succeed in preventing health problems.
FitFive is safe and natural.
FitFive Fit5 OK


These reasons and solutions are my incentive to help because it’s so much easier to find your true path, do what you have to do and fulfil your commitments in life when you’re strong and healthy.

And most importantly: by leading a healthy lifestyle you also set a good example for your friends and family to follow, thereby helping them as well. People need strong and positive companions and nobody should live off the energy of others. We all have the ability to explore and utilise our OWN Energy.

This is what I want to help you with, this is why I’d like to give all my knowledge to You: the FitFive theory and practice in its entirety.



"Plain and clear style. FitFive was like a wake-up call to me. It takes the same amount of time to lead a healthy and active life as a lazy, inactive and sick one. What matters the most is how much energy you have. I can replenish my energies anytime no matter where I am!"

Peter (43)
