Humans have five main sources of energy, which is the reason behind the name: FitFive.
FitFive shows you the correct use and practise of these energy sources.FitFive gives you a path to health and harmony with regular exercise, correct nutrition and positive thinking.
1. Air
The basis of life is air, without it nothing can live. We take 10-15 breaths a minute - this is 7 million breaths in a year! FitFive teaches you how to breathe correctly and use your lungs appropriately through different breathing exercises.
2. Water
75 percent of our body is water, therefore it is very important to drink an appropriate amount of water regularly. FitFive emphasises this fact and encourages you to love water through its unique philosophy.
3. Food
To obtain an appropriate level of health through FitFive it is very important to eat correctly, therefore the methods we suggest give you insight into the relevance of nutrients and your metabolism and help you to master easy rules for a healthy diet.
4. Exercise
Regular exercise is a critical, probably the most difficult part of a healthy lifestyle. The secret lies in the varied and gradual exercise.FitFive exercises are comprehensive: breathing exercises, correct posture-forming exercises, a total warm-up, walking and running techniques, yoga exercises, muscle-training exercises, sexual power training, sense organs exercises, and special exercises for certain body parts. Of course, it is not necessary to do all of them daily, but just the ones that are necessary to reach your goal.
5. Optimism
FitFive serves up valuable advice to inspire users with regular positive thinking and conscious spiritual progression plans. Be positive and feel good!
It seems easy, doesn't it? And it will be easy for you as soon as you learn how to build the use of these energy sources into your life. Go for it! :-)
© 2000 - 2025 PillaRX [FIT5 Ltd].