What are the emotional, mental and spiritual causes of vision disturbances?

90% of vision problems is mental/ spiritual and only 10% is physical. That is why the cause of every disorder should be sought within the individual.

A number of small accidents can affect children but most of these problems are never voiced, since children often are not even aware of what exactly causes the pain. More often than not, they are not aware what happens inside their bodies and minds. This is the cause of many problems; suppressed tension can lead to anxiety and eventual development of a disease.

Psychological research shows that a majority of people store traumas suffered during childhood as negative energy in the subconscious mind. The absence of love, attention, or kindness; and fighting parents, impatient teachers, lies, negative examples, rejections, accidents and injuries all leave marks on children. In the majority of adults, these marks give rise to anxiety, worry, bad habits, depression, and other illnesses. In addition, an unhealthy lifestyle can make things even worse.

Children are not yet aware of negative energy and therefore overprotecting a child would be a mistake. The job of the parent is to help build the child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Spend time together, talk, share, and exercise together. This way the child will feel safe at home and will communicate their physical and spiritual problems to you. This is the only way to guard against the development of anxiety, feeling of limitations, and inhibition in your child.

A spiritual problem can present itself as a vision disturbance by straining the nerves and consequently causing tension on the eye muscles. If the eye muscles are tense, the vision is not going to be sharp; consequently, we can conclude that mental tension also leads to vision problems. Refraction mistakes will result from unequal tensing of the eye muscles. The eye muscles not only direct the eye movement but can also force the globe of the eye to change shape. A stretched globe leads to nearsightedness while a compressed globe leads to farsightedness.

For small children, it is often school that is the source of most tension. Many of them are afraid of the teachers and feel that the schoolwork is too hard for them to complete.
