The most important advantage is that it prevents other developmental disorders such as flat feet, visual problems, asthma, allergies or digestive problems.
Better blood and energy circulation
The health of the spine and surrounding musculature ensures that the energy stores of the body are always full. Proper circulation supplies all the organs with needed nutrients.
Easier respiration and digestion
Correct posture does helps inner organs to perform optimally by preventing them from being compressed.
Muscles of the torso are relaxed and free of cramps
The child can stand and sit without fatigue for a longer period.
Reduced load on the knee and hip joints
The body’s weight balance is ideal and does not put unequal pressure on the lower joints.
Aesthetic advantages
These days, people who exhibit correct posture are rare and thus noticeable. It is a rare quality in today's world but to your child it will come naturally, resulting in a stronger, healthier appearance.
Better balancing ability
A straight spine assures better overall balance, and the exercises in this program help to develop that better balance.
Long lasting inner balance
Good balance helps to create a peaceful mind. If the child lacks good balance, there is a need for external physical support. This leads to the asymmetric workload of certain muscles and the child will become uncertain and be looking for support all his or her life.
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