The 5 intensity levels of FitFive

All the exercises of FitFive have 5 levels. The executable level is determined by your general and actual present state of fitness.
If you are tired, practise your training only on the 1st and 2nd level daily.
If you are in normal condition, exercise on the 3rd and 4th level exercises.
If you are very active, train on the 5th level.
If you are ill or injured, do not train!

FitFive has five intensity levels:


Aerobic training,
for example running
1stLight walking.
2ndYou can chat easily while running.
3rdChatting is more difficult, but you can still talk as you move.
4thYou sweat, start to get tired.
5thAs if you’ve reached the home stretch and you are running intensively!


Anaerobic training,
for example weight lifting
1stYou lift warm-up weights.
2ndYou train with medium weights.
3rdYou can lift the maximum weight, and release it properly.
4thAt the end of the series your muscles burn, but still you are able to continue.
5thYou can only lift the weight up once more.
