Targets and results

There is a solution for an easy way to make people lead healthy lifestyle and go in for sports regularly: if we have short term goals and see their immediate results. The other solution is the target of health itself: a written and spoken target, and repeated, so that it doesn't disappear from sight. We should go towards the target, and look at it every day, but concentrate on perfectly done jobs in the meantime, i.e. the way. You always have to take it into consideration that your targets can change. If your circumstances change, you also have to change the original targets.   When creating your targets, pay attention that...

For setting and reaching targets I have an approved method, and the following few lines describe it. Step 1. The first thing is to measure your present state, look into yourself and find what targets you already have, for example losing weight, toning muscles, becoming fitter or whatever. Choose a target you are sure that you can reach - but you weren't determined, ready or persistent enough to do before. Step 2. The second step is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of your target, compare it with your strengths and weaknesses relating to your target. Then you will know what skills you have to use and what new skills you have...

Every result, every positive consequence must be observed and noted. Great results are the most inspiring tool you have! You can be grateful for this! If you have reached some sort of result, thank yourself for being able to collect the energy your task needed and for being able to complete the job! A result is on the one hand an experience that informs us, for which we can be happy, on the other hand it is a success, which you can be proud of!

After a while going on the right path a person gets into a balanced rhythm. There will be a huge difference between your lifestyle in the past and in the future. With the passing years you won't be getting old but your increased health will feel like getting young. And there will be huge new experiences then as well. If you are efficient, you set a good example. If you set a positive example, others will follow you. If they follow you, they will also have good results. You cannot wish for more: the results of those around you are your results, too! Set an example, and tell your loved ones about your experiences!

As you progress you may feel an impetus to transmit your knowledge to others. Do it carefully. First of all try to define if your partner is at a similar or different developing stage. Have you been through his or her stage? When? If you have been to his or her stage before, but a long time ago, don't try to transmit your recent basic experience to him or her. You probably took a long time to get there, and anyone who is at the beginning of their journey won't understand your words. If you consider that he or she is at a similar stage explain your experience carefully, observing continuously whether they are able to take on board the...

You will also meet negative energies along the way. In the best case scenario you can strain them out right away and avoid them. In bad cases, they can mislead you. Let balance and moderateness lead you: you don't need to exaggerate your self-denial and shouldn't let remorse destroy you if you fall from the right way sometimes. Stay conscious, be aware of the consequences of your actions and stay cool in the meantime. You need to follow the flow and not swim in opposition to it, or only on one side, or trying to rush ahead.

Along your development you have to pay attention sensitively to everything that you do, and confess to yourself every effect of it. Everybody's developing speed is different and you have to understand your own. This is not a race, with others or with yourself. Accept if you progress slower than you thought. Enjoy the path you are taking to, and your development will speed up by itself. Don't complain and don't stop practising! Don't concentrate on reaching great results too soon, but on being in a good mood in every circumstance.

There are physical and mental barriers within you as well, and you have to accept and respect this. Pay attention to them sincerely and sensitively, but know all along that your barriers can be tackled and overcome. For this, you always have to find the level where a task, a diet or an exercise is safe for you. Don't step over it by force, just gradually: this is the way of real development. Always practise slowly and safely, feeling content with the present state and that it will be better next time! You don't want to break a record but to reach and keep lasting results!

You have to live and act in peace with nature. You have to take examples from it and draw power from the constant and strong balance of nature, which serves life on the planet everywhere. You need to turn back to nature. If you live, breathe, exercise, eat, drink and think according to the laws of nature, you will always be healthy! Health is living among natural circumstances, and disease is the result of unnatural lifestyles. Start all this now, at this very moment! Don't wait for disease and suffering to force you to do it! Don't just say that health is the most important, act like it! Health means consciously created health in every...