Sample diet

Breakfast, 08:00

yoghurt + bread & sour cream + cheese + eggs


Elevenses, 10:00

yoghurt + bread + sour cream + sausage + garlic


Lunch, 12:00

canned beans + bread + canned sardines + soy chunks


Snack, 14:00

bread and honey + ham + cheese


Supper, 16:00

bread and sour cream + ham + liver paté + olives


Dinner, 18:00

canned beans + sausages + bread and jam


Finally, here are the snacks I usually have on the road. You should never reach a point of starvation or exhaustion so you should replenish your carbohydrate stores continuously!!!


Snacks, every 20-30 minutes

Carrots, apples, biscuits, peanuts, glucose tablets, raisins, chocolate.
