Personality improving effects of FITFIVE

Movement confidence: The child learns how to control his or her own body.

Body awareness: The conscious recognition of what happens in one’s body during resting, movement, and during different sensory perceptions.

Self-control: Excellent body control techniques that could be employed anywhere to help easily overcome pain, fatigue and anxiety.

Mental balance: The development of deep breathing, not rattled by stress or anxiety.

Ability to concentrate: Unwavering, steady self-discipline, increased concentration, and the development of higher-level, decision-making capabilities.

Regularity: Increased interests in learning and regular exercise.

Practicality: Requirements for exercising can be fulfilled in the smallest of places; goals can be met by one’s own means.

Empathy: Increased empathy towards other people and animals, along with the development of social intelligence.

Adaptability: The development of a common consciousness; resulting in adaptation and group cohesion.

Conscience: Understanding the value of surroundings and being able to base his or her thoughts and actions on these values.

Increased self-confidence: Increased courage, innovation, and success resulting in higher confidence.
