I deliberately left this topic to the end. Money is very important in today's world, almost everything can be connected with it. Here are some basic thoughts and useful practical advice at the end, lest you have problems with money!
It is not the money itself, but the love of money that is the root of all evil. Do not be in love with money, rather let money itself fall in love with you.
For most people, lack of money means unhappiness. But it is their own fault, because, theoretically, everybody can develop, to a level, an interest in earning a lot of money. Be happy with what you have while trying to reach what you aim for! It is not the amount that matters, but how to spend it. The fool spends his money and spares the rest, the clever spares his money and spends the rest!
Many people want to earn more but do not dare risk, invest or work more or harder. If you want to take the advantages of having more money, you have to pay your share of the expenses!
Money is connected to many energy sources: to good ones, but mostly to bad. However, negative energy can be transformed into positive energy. The soul of money is really the energy connected to it. You must approach money in such a way that money likes your approach. If it likes the way you handle it, it will move into your bank account. If you treat it well, it will stay with you. The amount of real money on Earth is static, only the owners replace each other. Treat money well and it will find you because money wants to serve good people!
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