Is there a nutritional chart for children?

Yes, there is. This nutritional chart demonstrates the amount of each nutrient needed to support healthy development.
As we progress toward the bottom of the chart, the amounts increase. The chart also contains the number of servings.

Ratio Nutrient Role Examples Servings
1% Sweets Only provides enjoyment Candy, chocolate,
Weekly 1-2!
4% Fats, oils Cardio protective Olive oil, butter Daily 1
15% Dairy products Builds bones Milk, yoghurt,
Daily 2-3
15% Vegetables Improves digestion Carrots, tomato,
paprika, salads
Daily 3-4
15% Fruits Improves vitalityApples, pears, oranges Daily 2-3
20% Proteins Builds muscle Meat, fish, eggs,
beans, walnut
Daily 2-3
30% Carbohydrates Give energy Bread, rice,
pasta, potatoes
Daily 6-8
