How visual problems are diagnosed? Vision Symptom Diary

When attempting an eye exam, both the current health of the eyes and the complete physical condition of an individual needs to be evaluated and recounted up to a year back. Unfortunately, doctors often cannot perform this type of comprehensive examination and there are rare cases when giving a prescription for glasses is simply not justified. This misdiagnosis is not the doctor’s fault. The physician’s decision is based on the current status of the patient’s vision, physical status of the eye and by the recollection of the patient. The parent is the only person who is in a position to monitor the deterioration of the child's vision. The parent needs to know precisely what lies behind the complaints. The health of the eye is highly critical and requires more attention from the parent than simply assuming that "the problem is finally solved with glasses.”

It is very important to recognise the signs of deteriorating vision and take them seriously. In the majority of the cases, complaints are passively dismissed. But, they definitely signal to the parent that the eye muscles need to be rested.

Keep a symptom diary on the child's vision! If any of the signs from the following list are present for an extended period of time or tend to be frequently mentioned then you need to take the child to an ophthalmologist. Take the diary along as well to make the specialist's work easier.

Vision Symptom Diary

Are your eyes dry, burning, itching and tears will not come? 
Are your eyes sensitive to light? 
Do your eyes tear excessively? 
Do you feel pain in your eye muscles? 
Do you feel external pain or pressure? 
Do you have blurry vision? 
Do you have frequent headaches? 
Do you have frequent cramps in your neck or shoulders? 
Do you feel listless or tired?  

Do not take your children for an eye exam when they are tense because problems regarding eye functioning could be overestimated. Situations when stress can affect eyesight include staying up late, being mostly indoors in front of the TV or a computer, recovering from an illness, and family conflicts or an emergency. In addition, the fear of doctors can also be an important factor so try to alleviate all stress before the exam.

Doctors are very careful with a child's eyes. The examination tests the functioning of the eyes meticulously. Nonetheless, it can happen in rare cases that the child is prescribed glasses when it is not justified.

Once more: You need to record the status of your child's vision and be prepared to recognise signs that indicate that wearing of glasses would be justified. When you take children to the ophthalmologist, make sure they are rested, relaxed, and free of tension. Finally, the most important thing to remember is to practise regular eye conditioning exercises!
