But don't forget that these things don't solve problems. If you use them continuously, you will develop problems with your self-esteem and if you destroy your health consciously, you cannot be happy with yourself. And you won't be while you use stimulants. Although these things stop the problem spectacularly: they dissolve depression, tension, tiredness in the short term only.
People tend to chose the simplest way, and for this reason they will choose to have a fast effect again and again. The more often they repeat their use of stimulants, the more often their system will ask for it. From short-term habits comes addiction, because the underlying problem stays unsolved in your soul.
So I summarise:
1. Don't smoke, don't buy cigarettes, keep your lungs clean!
2. Have a cigar or a pipe once a week, if you love smoking!
3. Drink coffee twice a week - for its taste, but not for energy!
4. Drink alcohol sometimes - but only to relax or party!
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