How many calories do you need daily?

The need for calories varies by gender and age. An adult female has a daily recommendation of 1500-1600 kcal, while for men the recommendation is between 1800-1900 kcal per day. These numbers reflect the energy required for the body to breathe, digest, and continue cardiovascular functions.

Sports people normally use 3500-4000 kcal energy daily.

Calculating you daily Resting Metabolic Rate (kcal / day):

Age (year)For menFor women
10-1717.5 x w + 65112.2 x w + 746
18-2915.3 x w + 67914.7 x w + 496
30-5911.6 x w + 8798.7 x w + 829
60+13.5 x w + 48710.5 x w + 596

w = weight in kilogramm
Source: Rodler: New Nutrient Chart (2005)

Your daily energy consumption depends on the level of activity.
The daily resting metabolic rate should be multiplied with the sufficient numbers:
- sedentary workers: 1.4;
- moderate activity: 1.7.;
- very active people: 2

For example, in my case:

BMR: 11.6 x 88 + 879 = 1900 kcal

Daily energy consumption: 1900 kcal x 2 = 3800 kcal
