Fat burning usually starts in the 30th minute of your fat burning training session and it lasts until the end of your set. In the case of intensive training, however, the fat burning process continues even after you finished exercising. In other words, the whole fat-burning process is longer and more powerful, and it burns more fat so you’ll lose weight faster if you do intensive training. Of course, you should acquire the skills needed to do intensive training gradually. Do things step-by-step, especially if you’re a beginner and if you’re severely overweight!
First you should increase the duration of your training set and only then, after your body got used to the increased physical load, can you increase the tempo, ie, the intensity of your exercises.
If you make your training sessions longer and continue to work out at a lower intensity, you will not burn more fat. Still, this is the path to follow if you have a lot of extra weight on you. Longer training sets are excellent at keeping you healthy and create an inner harmony as the sustained, natural process of motion gives a rhythm to your entire body. Once you’re in shape, you can save a lot of time by increasing the intensity of your training.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that it’s better to exercise less but every day, than do a lot of exercises every alternate day. Regular exercise promotes a steady metabolism, while a succession of active and passive days will put an unnecessary burden on your body.
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