Golden Rules for Flat feet

Prevention is the most important factor as always! Every parent can help before flat feet develop, and thereby save the child from countless amounts of discomfort to come. FitFive offers a number of exercises to steadily strengthen and stretch the muscles of the sole. FitFive also offers practical advice to eliminate the causes of flat feet.

When the child is between 4 and 8 months old, do not limit their space! Put children on the carpet and let them roam free. Do not keep them in small places because if they can only reach upward, then they could try to stand up before their feet are ready. Standing up too early deforms the undeveloped bones in their little feet. Massage their feet regularly! You will not only deepen the parent-child relationship, but they will sense the role you are playing in helping them stand and walk. Do not push them to start walking. Wait until they stand up on their own. When the baby starts walking, do not make them walk too often! In the...

Do not carry the child unless he or she is very tired! A child who is carried will often be clumsy and unsure as an adolescent. When seated at a table, place something under your children’s feet because it is important to have the entire sole touching the ground in a sitting position. If growth and development are rapid or the child becomes bed bound for a longer period of time, test the bottom of their feet with the water test and the ankle test also. If you notice frequent complaints of pain in the sole of the feet, make sure to take the child to a podiatrist! Start teaching the sole exercises! This is the best age to make them...

Do not believe that the exercises can be replaced by a special shoe or insole! You cannot replace the active development of the sole muscles by placing a passive support under the sole. This is the age where it is the most important to practise the exercises because at this point, flat foot disorder is still correctable. Children spend the better half of the day sitting in school. Teach them the correct sitting posture! Watch and treat sweating and athlete's foot! Advise the child to continue exercising the feet during class by wiggling their toes or circling their ankles if they have a cramp or tension! Encourage kids to be...

Have your child barefoot as often as possible, without socks, in the grass, on pebbles. Of course, only if the temperature permits. Massage your children’s feet often. Always start at the toes and work back towards the heel! Allow the child to massage your feet as well to gain a better understanding and enjoy it more. Teach them more than just exercising. Show them also how to relax by tapping the soles of their feet on the ground, rolling small balls, or rubbing their soles on protruding objects.

Always buy your child shoes that are 0.1 to 0.15 inches (3 to 4 mm) larger than their feet so that the toes can move freely. The first shoes should have flexible soles with flat heels and high fronts. Choose a shoe with good lateral ankle and heel support. Teach the child to respect their shoes! Explain that shoes are one of the most important objects in our lives because we will spend so much of our time in them. Teach them to wear them correctly, tie them, clean them and put them in their place when not being worn!