FitFive Health Theory

I don't write a lot about disorders or illnesses as FitFive is about Health, and what you think about determines your present. I would like you to identify yourself with Health, and the symptoms or signs of health problems you can look for in yourself only to help your development. "Your thoughts follow your words, Your words follow your deeds, Your deeds bear your habits, Your habits form your personality, Your personality defines your destiny."

Simplistically, I like to distinguish between two kinds of illnesses. There are congenital, incurable health problems. There are reasons, somewhere in your previous life, but let's not deal with that now. Let's see the other group. FitFive forms a theory about those health problems that people create by thoughtlessness, laziness, carelessness, and with negative thinking. These health problems appear because of an unhealthy lifestyle, therefore they can be cured only by a healthy lifestyle. I will only deal with these problems at present, so don't project this theory on genetically congenital health problems. Today's modern medical...

It's natural for me to take care of my body. I know that this way it won't bother me in my private life, work, sports and thinking. But a lot of people make a big mistake when they don't put their health first. If you don't deal well with your body, you cannot have clear, valuable theories on life. The body signals if something is wrong. First with small accidents or passing pains, but later with serious diseases. In the long run the negligence of the body is equal to a premature death: those who live irresponsibly might even live 20-30 years less.

It is a proven fact that most people store the grievances that they have endured during their childhood in their subconscious as negative energy. Lack of love, attention, kindness, lies, bad examples and refusals all leave their mark on children. In most adults fear, anxiety, harmful passions and all kinds of diseases are born out of these. These deteriorate even more because of unhealthy lifestyles. However, as children we are not aware of the fact that these events carry negative energies, so you have to start creating a conscious and consistent lifestyle on becoming an adult. People display their fears, restraints and defences because...

As I have previously stated, you can correct the health problems developed because of an unhealthy lifestyle with a healthy way of living. We should praise God for forming man like that. People's inner self-therapy is our most important treasure. Unfortunately, only very few people know about its fast and effective methods. The basis of auto therapy is that we recognise the signs of diseases, and the signals of our body.

Most people believe the following image of diseases. Illness is a body disorder, and it attacks people accidentally and unexpectedly: "Poor thing, he got ill from one day to the next and died." - we say. Most people interpret illness as a body disorder which they have to get rid of quickly, with the most effective, strongest medicines and with the fastest operations. Most medicines really get rid of the symptoms of a certain problem. But somewhere else in the body they can cause huge damages. This is absurd! People shouldn't treat themselves with more and newer poisons, if their bodies are already poisonous. The operations that remove...

Positive thinking is not avoiding every negative thing. Real positive thinking is if you think that negative things will help you in your development. When negative thoughts appear, you go in the wrong direction, you shouldn't carry on your train of thought in that way. With continuous practise you can change your negative thinking to positive thinking. A person doesn't distinguish positive or negative feelings at a high level of individual development. Then you will concentrate only on health, harmony, and joy because these will become part of your life. In a state of balance there is no positive and negative, no good and bad, there...

Before I write about how negative energy could be turned into positive, let's look at prevention. In the case of diseases, prevention is the most practical. It works the same way with good and bad energies: avoid those places, situations, people, objects, and habits that may cause you harm. This is not flight, but consistency. If you still let the negative powers come close, try to ignore them. The more you deal with them, the stronger they get inside you, the more they destroy your peaceful present. If they appear, close your eyes and say: "Hi, negative energy. You weren't here before, you will disappear soon, so don't bother the...

Disease, poverty, and unhappiness, unsuccessfulness, lost friends, boredom, irritations, overcharging, defeat, and death: are you afraid of something? 90% of people are. They always find something they can be afraid of that makes their present sick. Being afraid of tomorrow, they don't devote enough time and money on relaxing their body and mind. With this worrying they destroy themselves. The negative energies of fear soak deep into our unconscious mind and create constant tension, sick organs and ill bodies.  Our body is a huge databank that reflects our past. Our problems, accidents, nervous traumas and negative thoughts all...

You have to start preventing and curing the diseases in your soul and make positive thoughts come true with taking care of your body, nursing it, and maintaining it. The role of the strong relationship between the body and the soul, and the interaction between the two starts here. Since you caused many diseases yourself, you have to cure your destroyed body. The sick person is a burden on himself and on others, therefore the basic principle of FitFive is: TAKING THE EFFORT TO MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR DUTY!