Take 10 minutes to read this e-book and acquire the theoretical knowledge you need to get rid of all the unnecessary fat and avoid the yo-yo effect! There are plenty of short articles on the Internet and in various magazines on fat burning, fat-burning exercises and sports. All of them come up with some good ideas and tips... BUT THIS IS NOT ENOUGH! YOU WANT COMPLETENESS AND PERFECTION, DON’T YOU? This is a topic that needs to be taken much more seriously. Enough of repeated attempts! Enough of insufficient information! JOIN US AND USE FITFIVE’S FATBURNING ACTIVITIES TO LOSE WEIGHT PERMANENTLY AND PREVENT THE REGAINING...

Have you grown out of your clothes? Not satisfied with what the scales shows? Flabby bottom? Belly fat? Fat thighs? You don’t like to look in the mirror, huh? Is the beach a no-go zone? Do you get tired easily? Is it hard to carry those extra pounds all day? Are you unsatisfied with your looks and physical strength? Do you feel like this cannot go on any longer? Do you need change? BECAME FAT? GOT CHUBBY? GAINED WEIGHT? R U OBESE? GREW PLUMP? A BIT PORKY? UNFORTUNATELY YES! I won’t lie to you and I’m not gonna beat about the bush: You are responsible for growing fat! BUT… YOU MUST STOP HURTING YOURSELF!...

Nutrients can be divided into 2 groups: - Nutrients that give energy: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, - Nutrients that do not give energy: vitamins and minerals. Pattern of nutrients to form energy: 1. Carbohydrates : these are the first source of energy for the operation of the muscles, and provide energy in the presence of oxygen or without it. 2. Proteins : these break down into energy after starving or long physical activity, which causes reduction in the amount of muscles. 3. Fats : these are used after about 20 minutes of physical activity, ie, your body fat starts decreasing after only 20 minutes of exercise.  ...

1. It burns fat , so you can lose weight by doing it. 2. Because of its long distance nature, it boosts your will power. 3. It strengthens your cardiovascular system. 4. It strengthens your respiratory system and thus your immune system.

Modern body culture makes a distinction between aerobic and anaerobic exercise types. Aerobic training , or cardiovascular training is an exercise type during which your body can supply your muscles with sufficient oxygen, so at the end of the exercise there is no oxygen deficit. These are mainly long-lasting, fat-burning, low and medium intensity exercises, for example, aerobics, walking, running, swimming, cycling, or ball sports. During anaerobic training the system burns the sugar in your muscles, so oxygen is depleted. These are high-intensity exercises that require a big effort and they make you lose your breath, for...

Your metabolism is the result of physical and chemical processes, by which nutrients become energy. The already digested proteins, carbohydrates and fats burn in the cells with the help of oxygen, so energy is released, which we measure in calories.

04:00-12:00 - The cleaning of the entire system, elimination of waste - Fruits and vegetables, light meals and lots of liquids are recommended 12:00-20:00 - Intake of nutrients, digestion - Normal eating is recommended 20:00-04:00 - Assimilation of processed nutrients into your system - Eating is not recommended

In basic metabolism, 30-50% of the energy created is used up for the operation of the brain, the heart, the muscles and other organs in their resting position.During activity, your muscles burn 90% of the nutrients. The fat built up in the body does not burn any. The greater the muscle mass compared to fat (meaning the lower percentage of body fat you have), the faster your metabolism is. The faster your metabolism is, the more calories used.

Your metabolism operates better if you eat small amounts frequently. If two people consume the same amount of food, the one who will burn more calories is the person who eats little and often. If you take less exercise, but continue to eat the same amount of food, your muscle mass will decrease, and as a result your metabolism will slow down.

The heaviest human in the World weighed 635 kg. The fat producing ability of the body is almost unlimited. Excess nutrients are stored as fat, which slows the metabolism. So the reason behind fatness is that more nutrients and more calories enter the body, than it can burn. Your body can store 5 kgs of fat in a year, but in many cases it only takes a few months!

To get rid of your excess fat, you have to use fat as a source of energy. You can achieve this if your calorie intake is less than the amount of calories burned to create energy. Your system will cover the consequent excess need of energy from the fat if you do fat-burning exercises. But if you don't exercise, and simply choose to eat less, your muscles will decrease, wither and disappear. In the end you’ll end up fatter than you were in the first place...

Tévedés, hogy egy-egy testrész edzésével sikerülhet az adott terület teljes zsírmentesítése. A testet egy egész rendszernek kell tekinteni, s az a cél, hogy mindenhonnan eltűnjenek a fölös kilók. Egy bizonyos terület edzésének nem a zsírpárnák lefaragása a célja, hanem alattuk az izomzat átformálása.

The yo-yo effect explained Many people start doing sports or regular exercise because of their weight. A lot of them try to eat as little as possible (or nothing at all) when starting regular training, saying that first they want to lose excess fat. But they realise within a short time that the effect is just the opposite: after a drastic diet their scales show they are heavier. This is very discouraging! The reason for that is our system's survival mechanism. If consumption is reduced, the system switches over to energy saving. Judging from internal signs, your system draws the conclusion that it will get less nutrients in the...

Protein-only, no-carb diets are unsuitable for fat burning. You can achieve spectacular, albeit temporary, results but with several harmful side effects. The risk of muscle loss, exhaustion and lack of required nutrients is extremely high. To make matters worse, after finishing the diet, when you return to a normal diet that contains carbohydrates as well , you’ll most likely regain your former weight at a drastic speed. The reason for this is that less muscle mass requires fewer calories and the excess will be stored as... yes, you guessed: FAT.

There are two basic conditions of fat burning: eating less calories than your maximum daily recommendation, or doing 40-60 minutes intensive aerobic exercise - either will burn 300-500 kcal. But remember, the more muscles working intensely, the more calories your body needs.If you want to lose weight, your calorie intake needs to be less than the daily recommendation: 1200 kcal. With this amount you can lose 1 kg fat weekly, safely and permanently.So if, for instance, 1500 kcal is your daily calorie need, and you do exercises that burn 400 kcal - this requires 1900 kcal. If you only eat 1200 kcal, then your system will burn off the...

In nature, oxidation ie, burning takes place in the presence of oxygen. The same principle goes for the burning of fat stored in your body. Your system uses nutrients carefully and in a very economical way. As you’ve seen above, there are 3 major kinds of energy sources that can be transformed into energy in the body: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Your body wants to use fat as a last resort. It will first use blood sugar from your blood and glycogen from the liver and muscles. During the digestive process, nutrients are transformed into glycogen by insulin and energy is stored in this form in the liver and the muscles. While...

The need for calories varies by gender and age. An adult female has a daily recommendation of 1500-1600 kcal, while for men the recommendation is between 1800-1900 kcal per day. These numbers reflect the energy required for the body to breathe, digest, and continue cardiovascular functions. Sports people normally use 3500-4000 kcal energy daily. Calculating you daily Resting Metabolic Rate (kcal / day): Age (year) For men For women 10-17 17.5 x w + 651 12.2 x w + 746 18-29 15.3 x w + 679 14.7 x w + 496 30-59 11.6 x w + 879 8.7 x w + 829 60+ 13.5 x w + 487 10.5 x w + 596 w = weight in kilogramm Source:...

You need to avoid air starvation or shortness of breath (SOB) because your body interprets it as an emergency and it will interrupt the fat-burning process. You need a lot of oxygen to burn fat. Your heart is beating faster and you are breathing more rapidly: it’s essential to maintain a steady rhythm of movement and a steady pulse to burn fat. Of course you can’t always wear a pulse monitor or count your pulse so the rule of thumb here is that your fat-burning pulse rate is one by which you can still engage in a conversation and keep talking, but you’re also panting a little bit.

To burn 1 kilogram of fat stored in your body you need exercises using 9000 kcal. If you eat 500 kcal less daily and do exercises using up to 500 kcal more, then in 9 days you can lose 1 kilogram of fat mass. (500 kcal less food + 500 kcal burning exercises) x 9 days = 9000 kcal calorie = - 1 kg fat - 1 kg fat = 9 days - 5 kg fat = 45 days - 10 kg fat = 90 days

1.  Lots of oxygen, conscious breathing, good breathing technique. 2. Continuous water intake while training, keep sipping water. 3. Tough, trained muscles, so that your body can burn more nutrients. 4. 60 minutes of medium intensity training per session. 5. Low sugar intake before during and after training.

The best judge of intensity during training is the heart. It can be measured by hand, with a pulse watch, or there are built-in watches in modern cardiovascular machines. It is important to determine your maximum pulse rate, so that you can measure the different intensity levels. To work out your maximum pulse rate, subtract your age from 220. The calm pulse of an adult is about 60-70 per minute, but a highly-trained sports person's value can be below 50, because their hearts work more effectively.   Only active sports people can train on their maximum pulse rate, because it challenges the body so much. The optimal pulse rate...

Fat burning usually starts in the 30th minute of your fat burning training session and it lasts until the end of your set. In the case of intensive training, however, the fat burning process continues even after you finished exercising. In other words, the whole fat-burning process is longer and more powerful, and it burns more fat so you’ll lose weight faster if you do intensive training. Of course, you should acquire the skills needed to do intensive training gradually. Do things step-by-step, especially if you’re a beginner and if you’re severely overweight! First you should increase the duration of your training set and only then,...

The afternoon is the best time for doing your main, daily training regimen. You should do your exercises after work some time between 16:00 and 20:00! This is most suitable time for a 1-hour, intensive, physical exercise regimen.

Fact: blood sugar is low when getting up after a good night’s sleep. Low blood sugar is one of the essentials of fat burning. Nevertheless, I do not recommend intensive training on an empty stomach because your body will not only burn fat but also the protein content of your muscles, which leads to muscle loss. And, if you lose muscle mass, your metabolism slows down. Also, intensive training in the morning can drain all the energy you’re gonna need during the day. 2 pieces of advice to people who want to do intensive training in the morning. 1. Have light food containing complex carbs for breakfast, then do a 60-minute walking...

I really do not recommend scheduling your training session to late at night. There is a simple explanation: for lasting results and a long and healthy life you must follow the laws of nature. Your metabolic cycle is at its proccessing stage, which requires the body to be at rest and in fact asleep. You can really exhaust and overburden your system by late night training.