Do you have fears and tensions?

Disease, poverty, and unhappiness, unsuccessfulness, lost friends, boredom, irritations, overcharging, defeat, and death: are you afraid of something? 90% of people are. They always find something they can be afraid of that makes their present sick.

Being afraid of tomorrow, they don't devote enough time and money on relaxing their body and mind. With this worrying they destroy themselves. The negative energies of fear soak deep into our unconscious mind and create constant tension, sick organs and ill bodies. 

Our body is a huge databank that reflects our past. Our problems, accidents, nervous traumas and negative thoughts all become stored in the cells: the body will be ill and stiff because of this. The conscious mind holds pain, fear, and tension. There are no rigid muscles, just rigid nervous systems. Look for the stored tension in yourself then release it!

Tensions block the exploitation of health, power and energy; therefore you have to dissolve them. The law of the world is that there will always be difficulties and problems that people create for themselves and for others: you have to learn how to handle them and not to let them into your conscious mind!

Fear is an unnatural state. You have to learn to release these fears. If you are afraid of something, you think about it. What you think about a lot will turn into action. You do not need fear, forget about it. You cannot change the past either. You can't shape the future with anxiety and fear. There is only one way: to live positively and without fear in the present, and to develop.
