Digestion and metabolism

Digestion is a chemical process, which aims to produce substances that can pass through the intestinal walls. The chemicals bond with the help of digestive enzymes within nutrition molecules. Then the remaining nutrition gets into your blood circulation through the intestinal walls, and the blood transports the necessary molecules to the body parts.

Your metabolism is the result of physical and chemical procedures, by which nutrition becomes energy. The already digested proteins, carbohydrates and fats burn in the cells with the help of oxygen, so energy results, which we measure in calories.

The biggest part of your consumed nutrition transforms into energy. The rest of the nutrition becomes the cornerstones of the body or stores as fat. If you have a healthy lifestyle, harmful and useless materials can disappear quickly from your system. But the opposite also occurs; an unhealthy diet and lifestyle can cause the building up of toxins, which can lead to problems.

04:00-12:00 the cleaning of the entire system, elimination of waste (fruits and vegetables, light meals and lots of liquids are suggested) 12:00-20:00 intake of nutrition, digestion (normal eating is suggested) 20:00-04 :00: assimilation, filtering processed nutrition into the system (no eating is suggested)

In basic metabolism, 30-50% of the formed energy is used up for the operation of the brain, the heart, the muscles and other organs in their resting position.During activity, your muscles burn 90% of your nutrition. The fat built up in the body does not burn nutrition. The more muscle mass compared to fat (meaning the lower percentage of body fat you have), the faster your metabolism is; the faster your metabolism is, the greater the amount of calories used.

The metabolism operates better if we eat smaller amounts, but more frequently. If 2 people consume the same amount of food, the one who will burn more calories is the person who eats more often but less food. If we take less exercise but eat the same amount, our body gains fat and we lose from our muscle weight, and for this reason the metabolism slows down.

Of the body's inner functions, digestion use up the most energy. This is the first priority task of the body, and to do so, it spares every other function. You may have felt after a big meal that your body and brain were blocked? In this case you should take a 20-minute walk instead of sleeping.