It's very rare to see somebody holding their spine straight and nicely, therefore, it is very eye-catching, too. It is a special skill nowadays, although it's so simple. Your body looks a lot younger in the correct position. Correct posture leads to better blood and energy flow in your body, breathing and digestion become easier, frame-holding muscles will not cramp, knees and hips are not overburdened, nor legs, nor spine.

The following points should be understood. They are listed from bottom to top, since a good foundation is imperative to correct the upper torso as well: 1. Bend your knees approximately half an inch (1 cm) each; 2. Tighten your buttocks; 3. Tilt the pelvis slightly forward; 4. Contract and tighten the abdominal muscles; 5. Open your rib cage and extend your chest; 6. Pull your shoulders back and lower them slightly; 7. Lift your head and pull it back with the aid of your neck a bit.

Strained knees overburden knee joints, overbend knee curves and take away the work from the muscles of your legs and bottom, therefore, key muscles become more stunted. Regular asymmetric posture (if one leg carries a greater burden for a long time) can lead to serious hip, knee and ankle joint defects. A hump back is caused in 95% of occasions by incorrect posture, because of back muscles that did not develop correctly. Spine inclination in the case of adolescents is caused by carrying schoolbags on one side, therefore, the correct use of backpacks is recommended. Sunken chest and shoulders dropped in front lead to lesser lung...

1. Two-sided, symmetrical muscle training. The back, stomach, thigh and bottom muscles are responsible for correct posture. These muscles affect each other - they are stretching and bending, or adducent and abducent muscles. We have to train the back muscles along with the stomach muscles, (the abducent muscles with the adducent ones) because this balances their power and flexibility. 2. Let's create the correct position consciously. First, try to adjust the shoulders, the hips, the knees and the ankles to each other. A good exercise is to stand back to the wall or lie back on the floor for a few minutes every day, and fix the feeling...

The correct position can be unusual, tiring and uncomfortable for those who have been standing crumpled for years or even for decades. The reason for this is incorrectly developed muscles. With regular practise, exercises that strengthen the back and abs, this tired feeling will disappear along with your complaints about your posture and balance.