Cause 4: Overestimating the price of healthy food

Is eating healthy more expensive?

The answer is easy; eating healthy is not more expensive. Living healthfully is actually cheaper than being sick. A healthy person will have money left over because the money will not be spent on medicine and treatments. The healthy person will also have more free time because no time has to be spent lying sick in bed at home.

Let us see what goes in to the shopping basket when we shop. 20% of the goods include chocolates, candies, chips, and soft drinks. Another 30% are frozen and prepackaged foods. That totals up to 50%. Imagine what would happen if we spent this 50% on foods that are naturally high in nutritional value. Our cupboard and refrigerator would be full of good quality food.

So cut unnecessary spending and use what you save on your child's health!

With this approach, organic products do not seem so expensive anymore. The world is changing for the better when it comes to food, also the selection is getting wider, while the highest quality is maintained.
