Cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, drugs. Almost every person has encountered these things. The clever among us have just tried them. Those who are clever but naughty sometimes, use them only occasionally. This is not a problem, if there is a limit.
Finally there is a third group, which unfortunately is most people. They smoke a lot, drink coffee and alcohol a lot, and use drugs immoderately, carelessly, even regularly.
These substitute actions have a reason: something is missing from their lives. Those who destroy themselves, do not like their inner self. Sometimes you don't like it because you don't know it. If you don't like yourself you are not in harmony. You just live your life, instead of dealing with your most important task: getting to know and like yourself, and developing your mental and physical abilities. The same amount of time should be devoted on this, as much as is wasted on previous substitute actions.
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