We need to choose a diet that is adequate for us with respect to both quality and quantity. A relaxed atmosphere during mealtimes is also very important in regards to the quality of the diet. So remember - FitFive!
1. Long-term
The diet needs to be a long-term lifetime diet that you can follow indefinitely.
You need a diet for yourself that does not need to be adjusted from time to time. It is not possible to change eating habits drastically because there is a limit to the body's ability to adapt to sudden change. You need to assist your body's proper functioning and not subject it to tests again and again.
2. Versatile, diverse
Before too long, a monotone diet will result in a chronic deficiency that often leads to the development of diseases as well.
Strive to create a variety of meals, combining different colours and flavours. Try not to stick to one favourite dish since there are hundreds of different exciting foods. Always make an effort to discover various new dishes. If you discover a new food, taste it bravely, and build it in your diet, if you like it.
3. Consistent
You need to establish a relationship with your own body and to understand the signs and signals of your body instantly. The body will always signal if the quality or quantity of the food is not optimal. Often you have good instincts when you do not want to eat a certain food. You need to be considerate of your instincts so make sure not to "force feed" yourself.
4. Moderate and enjoyable
It is important to feed based on nutritional value rather than just on taste alone. Eating should foremost be the quenching of a physical need. It is not necessary to forbid the enjoyment of heavenly delights. If you are moderate, the consumption of a little bit of snack food is not going to be the end of the world. If, on the other hand, you forbid yourself to have some indulgence, the constant restraint will create additional tension. And these tensions can develop into negative energy, and they can surface in the form of a disease.
5. Local is best
It is important to take into account your geographic location and climate and plan meals accordingly. Local meat and produce products are filled with beneficial physical energy. The nutrient composition of food imported from distant locations has nutrient compositions only meant to support the development of those who live in those locations. Locally grown food, therefore, is better to support the growth of the local population.
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