21. Corpse


Watch animals, for example, the cat. When it is resting, it relaxes its entire muscles well; if you lift the cat up, it almost flows out of your hands. Animals know by instinct that muscles shouldn’t be tense and trained all the time, but often they need to be rested. You need to learn this too, in order to keep up your progress - this position helps you to achieve it.


Starting position

Lying on your back with opened legs (shoulders distance apart); arms placed next to the body, arm pit open. Lie in a symmetrical position and with a completely straight backbone.



Close your eyes, take three deep lung-breaths. Imagine that with every single breathe-out the tension leaves your body with the blown out air. After this minimize your breathing activity. Your body is lying on the ground without tensing any part of it, and it is not uncomfortable for you.

Relax every muscle in your body from your toe to the top of your head. Start with the feet; continue with your arms, body and head. With every single breath you take in, you feel you are pressing down into the ground. If you feel tension or cramp in your body, do the process again, and try to equalize all muscles to the most relaxed ones. The recommended order for loosening the muscles: toes, soles of feet, feet, ankles, legs, knees, thighs, hips, abdomen, back, shoulders, chest/breast, elbows, wrists, fingers, neck, nape, dome, forehead, elbows, muscles around the eyes, muscles of the face, chin, tongue. Right hand, left hand, both hands. Right foot, left foot, feet. Abdomen, back and front. Chest/breast, head, everything.


In position

When every muscle is relaxed try to feel the moving energy in your body. Your arms and legs become heavy, merge with the ground and you might feel warmness, swirling waves, or that your body is lifeless, only an object. Your mind then frees, and becomes aware of the energy assembled during the yoga exercises, and transfers it to those parts of the body where it is needed. You reach perfect balance!



Take a complete lung-breath, move every part of your body, open your eyes and stand up in a refreshed and happy mood.



Loosening and relaxing the muscles has the same importance as working and tensing them. If you cannot fully relax you can’t properly tense either! In this position for five minutes, you can switch off every function of your nerves, which is worth as much as a few hours sleep.


Pay attention to! Loosening muscles is easier if you tense them first. Like this you get to know their place and movement, and you can calm them on purpose. You need to learn how to rest, but this position is not sleeping! I would recommend you to do this exercise before sleeping. You will see how fresh you will be the next morning!


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