Salt and the consumption of high-sodium foods:
- Constricts blood vessels which leads to high blood pressure.
- Causes the feeling of hunger which results in obesity.
- Makes the body retain water, which results in bloating, fullness, and depression.
- Induces an unnatural sensation of thirst because sodium gets incorporated into the body and our system is trying to get rid of it with excess water.
An adult body needs 0,0078 oz (220 milligrams) of sodium daily; one spoonful of table salt contains 10 times the recommended amount. One-fifth of a teaspoon of sea salt satisfies the recommended daily value of sodium.
Sea salt contains close to a hundred ingredients while the common "table salt" contains only sodium chloride. It is important to use sea salt only! Unfortunately, salt is prevalent in prepackaged foods and is almost impossible to avoid. On the other hand, adding salt to your food is entirely under your control.
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