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It involves 3 inhalations and 3 exhalations - Counting helps to establish a continuous breathing pattern.
#1 - Stomach inhalation:
Major movement: Push stomach out
Arms: None
Count: "One, two."
#2 - Rib inhalation:
Major movement: Open the rib cage
Arms: Extend in front at right angle
Count: "Three, four."
#3 - Shoulder inhalation:
Major movement: Raise the collarbone
Arms: From middle to over the head
Count: "Five, six."
#4 - Stomach exhalation:
Major movement: Suck in the stomach
Arms: None
Count: "One, two."
#5 - Rib exhalation:
Major movement: Pull in your ribs
Arms: Return to right angle position
Count: "Three, four."
#6 - Shoulder exhalation:
Major movement: Return the collarbone
Arms: Back to beside the body
Count: "Five, six."
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